What is Your Color

We have made it beyond 2022 and are slowly starting to explore 2023. As we do this, we as The Taste Curators ask two questions: What color is 2023 and what does this new year taste like?

Perhaps these questions are very broad so let's take it slow. Let's begin with January.

What color does January feel like to you? Perhaps it is a crisp, light blue as an ode to the cooler temperatures and the easing into something new. Maybe it leans more toward yellow or orange as excitement and hope builds and citrus fruits overflow at market stands. Quite possibly, you look at January through the eyes of red as Chinese New Year approaches with all of its fiery glory reminding us that there is always a chance for luck and good fortune.  

And how about the flavors of January? Does it taste like a cool blue fresh oyster or that crème fraîche and caviar covered potato chip from New Year's Eve? Maybe it's more like the flavors of those citrus fruits mentioned above. It could even be the comfort of your grandmother's beef stew that skews more red.

What we are getting at is that flavors and colors have more in common than we give them credit for. They both evoke an emotion that can be very powerful in a moment. As we head gently into 2023, we encourage you to leave yourself open to those moments. There is no wrong answer. What do you see? What do you taste? How does that make you feel? It's quite an inspiring journey if we open ourselves up to it. 


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